This academic year, Georgetown University’s Latin America Leadership Program launched its third flagship program, the Global Business Executive Leadership (GBEL), designed to equip business executives working in Latin America and the Caribbean with the knowledge, skills, and strategic insights needed to navigate the complex global business landscape. The program kicked off with a three-day in- person residency in Panama from June 10 through June 12, followed by an eight-week virtual module, and culminating in Washington, DC with a final residency at Georgetown University from September 9 through September 11, 2024. The program goes beyond a traditional academic program, providing an innovative model to promote experiential learning. The curriculum combines academic courses offering theoretical frameworks along with practical tools, knowledge, and applications facilitated through group discussions, case simulations, and peer-to- peer exercises. There is a strong emphasis on open dialogue, class engagement, and peer learning. As part of the program, participants will develop an applied business project proposal where they will identify a challenge or an opportunity they currently face in their company and propose a comprehensive strategy to address it.
Here you can view a video recap of our #GBEL2024 kick-off in Panama this past June. The first academic in-person module of our inaugural GBEL program included high level speakers like Sergio Diaz Granados from CAF -Banco de Desarrollo de América Latina y el Caribe, Stanley Motta from Copa Airlines, Aimee Sentmat from Banistmo, Samuel Lewis, and Olga Cantillo from Bolsa Latinoamericana de Valores, as well as visits to the Panama Canal, Ciudad del Saber Foundation, Copa Simulator, Panama Pacifico and the distribution center of Skechers, together with academic sessions with our executive director Ricardo Ernst and Diane Garza iCatalyze Leadership Development & Coaching, LLC.
#GBEL2024 cohort is composed by Fernanda De Mora, María Florencia Rizzardi, Andrea Ramos, José Fernando Mejía Villa, Juan Carlos Sánchez Durán, Jesús Alberto Valadez Reyes, Eddy Shariff Gutiérrez García, Rolando Durán, Andrés Escobar, Carlos Herrera, Luis Felipe Rojas, Alejandro Guillén, Manolo Muralles, Santiago Renato Tible Marroquín, Carlos Octavio Castillo, Rubén F. Sanchez, Selvyn Rodas, José Manuel Calvo, Ana Marcela Cerdas, Humberto Villalobos, Angiemille Latorre, Andrés Añez Bustillos and Harold Alexander Hernandez