2023 Annual ILG Alumni Reunion
The 2023 Annual ILG Alumni Reunion, which took place in Brasilia from November 6 through November 10, 2023, focused on the new paradigms and challenges facing the Latin American region in the face of accelerated changes in our region. The Reunion Theme, "Manage in Times of Transformation," featured group discussions, networking opportunities, and case studies to analyze how leaders can adapt to technological changes and modernization policies that the public sector requires. The Reunion also welcomed alumni from the ILG Brazil Program, a custom program developed by LALP for public managers from Brazil, to expand collaboration and explore future joint activities and projects.

The 2023 ILG Alumni Reunion Goals:
● Create networking opportunities between participants from different countries and the ILG and ILG Brazil programs.
● Provide information and knowledge to participants about the agenda topics with the contribution of academic experts, officials, and representatives of the private sector and civil society.
● Promote the active participation of participants in the programmed activities.
● Increase the communication visibility of the Latin American Leadership Program and the ILG Network and extend its possibilities of regional linkage.
● Facilitate the creation of strategic alliances for future joint actions among graduates.
● Share experiences and debates on new topics and interests related to the contents linked to the ILG program.
Meeting Agenda
The Alumni Reunion took place from November 6 to 10 in the City of Brasilia and brought together more than 40 young leaders and public officials from Latin America and the Caribbean, alumni of the Innovation and Leadership in Government Program (ILG).
Day 1: Opening Conference, Warm up and Official Visits Panelists and guest speakers included Ricardo Ernst, Executive Director of the Latin America Leadership Program at Georgetown University, Samantha Cunha, Industrial Policy Manager of the National Confederation of Industry, Silverio Zebral, Director of Affairs Academics from the School of Government, OAS, Diane Garza, CEO iCatalyze, Minister Almir Lima Nascimento, Director of the International Relations Research Institute, FUNAG – IPRI and the Ambassador of Uruguay in Brazil Guillermo Valles Galmes.
Day 2: Perspectives on young politics, THE Metaverse and the Brazilian citizen and political scene. Panelists and guest speakers included Poliane Marques and Fernando de Paula, representatives of the Dom Cabral Foundation, Creomar de Souza, founder of Dharma Political Risk and Strategy , Mohammad Zia from META, Rodrigo Cobra and Bruna Barros from RenovaBR, representatives Pedro Ahiara and Camila Jara, the Minister of the Supreme Federal Court, Dr. Luis Roberto Barroso, journalists Eliane Cantanhêde from Globo News and Marina Dias from the Washington Post, and Luciano De Souza, Georgetown Law School alumni
Day 3: Strategic planning, economic development and the value of agricultural activity in Brazil. Panelists and guest speakers included Kátia Q. Fenyves, Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) and Estefania Laterza, Development Bank of Latin America and the Caribbean (CAF), Silverio Zebral, OAS School of Government, Virginia de Angelis de Oliveira , Minister of Planning of the Nation, and representatives of the National Agricultural Confederation.
Day 4 Institutional capacities and financing for development. Invited panelists and speakers included Professor Humberto Falcão, Extraordinary Secretary Francisco Gaetani of the Ministry of Management and Innovation of Public Services, André Godoy, Executive Director of the Brazilian Development Association (ABDE).
Day 5: Closing of the Meeting and Visit to Brasilia
The 2023 ILG Alumni Reunoin was possible thanks to the Escuela de Gobierno, Organization of American States, Fundación Dom Cabral, ENAP Brasil) y CNA) - Confederación NAcional Agropecuaria and Georgetown University´s Latin America Leadership Program (LALP).

"It is essential to highlight that the planning of this event was of great value in terms of collaboration, which allowed for impeccable execution. The constant participation of all those involved (members of the Board of Directors, allied organizations and the LALP management team), has been a key element for the success of the event. It is an honor to observe how our goals have been translated into tangible results and enriching experiences for the members of our Network. We thank everyone for their commitment and contribution." - Ana Isabel Fiafilio, President of ILG Alumni Network
Conclusions and recommendations
● The participants of the 2023 annual meeting managed to acquire knowledge and share experiences with colleagues from Brazil, in addition to delving into topics of important relevance in terms of public policies.
● The LALP program and the actions of the network of students of the Innovation and Leadership and Government program were able to get to know each other and position themselves not only in another key country in the region but also in possible strategic alliances and opportunities for new programs were generated by integrating participants from Brazil.
● The objective of reaching the level of good and excellent satisfaction of the participants regarding the quality of speakers and the topics raised was achieved.
● The participants suggest creating more space for collaboration towards the topics of interest to the Network participants, improving communication channels with alumni and continuing with instances of exchange of the topics addressed at the meeting and for others. that arise from the exchange
From Georgetown University's Latin America Leadership Program (LALP), we celebrate the commitment of our ILG Alumni to maintaining strong alumni connections throughout the years and creating innovative knowledge exchange and collaboration spaces. Thank you to all the 2023 Reunion organizers, the panelists and speakers who joined them to elevate their experience, and the many sponsors who made this full week of events possible. Looking forward to the next reunion!
Media Coverage
Confederación Nacional de Agricultura
Asociación Brasileña de Desarrollo
Ministerio de Salud Pública del Ecuador
Source: ILG Alumni Network