GCL 2024 Catapults LALP to 900 Alumni Across Latin America and the Caribbean
On March 20, 2024, the cohort of the 18th edition of the Global Competitiveness Leadership Program (GCL) bid farewell to Georgetown as they prepared to return to their countries to implement their social impact projects and initiatives. This year’s cohort included 32 individuals from 15 different countries and 22 cities across Latin America and the Caribbean, showcasing the vast diversity of the region and the most promising talent in the region striving to realize social change. This year's cohort consisted of 20 women and 12 men, marking the second year in a row of increased participation from female leaders in the region. With this cohort, LALP’s alumni network officially reached 900 alumni across 23 countries in Latin America and the Caribbean. GCL 2024 projects spanned 12 project areas, with the three most common ones being diversity, equity, and inclusion; agriculture and rural development; and education.

GCL 2024 participants learned from top Georgetown University faculty, including Ricardo Ernst (LALP Academic Director and MSB Professor), Ella Washington (MSB), Mike Malloy (MSB), Jeff Reid (MSB), Bob Bies (MSB), Evelyn Williams (MSB), Jose Guerrero (MSB), Shye Gilad (MSB), Sam Potolicchio (MSB), Carol Blymire (SCS), Douglas McCabe (MSB), John Trybus (SCS), Jeanine Turner (MSB), and Diana Kapiszewski (SFS). GCL panelists also met with a variety of experts outside of Georgetown, including Ricardo Teran (FOLIO Title), Diane Garza (iCatalyze), Yanire Braña (MET Community), Gemma Galdon Clavell (Eticas AI), Bartek Stawski (Global Leaders Institute), Adriana Arreaza (CAF), Gally Mayer (Buena Vida Specialty Coffee and GU Latin American Board Member), Mia Perdomo and Andrea de la Piedra (Aequales, GCL Alumni), Julio Lopez (DataLab, GCL Alumnus), and Jennifer O'Donoghue (Brookings). In addition, Professor Ricardo Ernst offered weekly virtual office hours to meet one-on-one with participants and assist them in advancing their projects and connecting with key stakeholders.
The Global Competitiveness Leadership Program (GCL) is an annual executive education program that aims to connect young leaders in Latin America and the Caribbean across all sectors and support them in their quest to become the future agents of change in the region. With a special focus on applied learning and leadership in action, the program fosters personal growth by providing a uniquely regional platform for addressing prevalent economic, social, and political challenges in Latin América and the Caribbean. Crucially, GCL cultivates a vibrant regional network of responsible and ethical leaders, facilitating collaboration and innovation to drive meaningful impact within their countries and beyond.

The program kicked off with four weeks of online instruction, followed by six weeks of in-person workshops and lectures in Washington, DC. On their first day at Georgetown University, the cohort had the opportunity to explore its campus through a guided tour and attended a lunch reception with Georgetown University President John DeGioia, who expressed his commitment to the Latin American region and the advancement of its leaders. The cohort visited a wide range of organizations in the DC area, including Halcyon, Microsoft, the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), the Organization of American States (OAS), and the International Monetary Fund (IMF), to meet with experts whose work advances the integral development of the Latin American region. The cohort also volunteered at Cornerstone Schools to share their cultures with elementary, middle, and high school students in Washington, DC.
"GCL has been truly transformative, providing me with not only deep knowledge about the challenges and opportunities facing Latin America, but also skills and tools to lead change and promote competitiveness in an increasingly interconnected and dynamic world." - German Lopez Ardila
The cohort presented their project pitches on March 19 before a panel of judges from the IDB Lab, Halcyon, and the Georgetown Americas Institute.The concluding events of the GCL 2024 program on March 20 exemplified how the participants of this cohort are creating a multiplier effect of social impact to influence their communities and the broader region.
"This experience has been deeply enriching and has exceeded all my expectations. From valuable professional connections, inspiring ideas and shared learning, to new perspectives and social impact projects. "- Flavia Martínez Tarazona
Daniel Liendo and Mariana Galvao delivered remarks on behalf of their cohort: Daniel emphasized the profound impact of individual actions and the importance of gratitude, self-worth, and resilience, and Mariana reflected on the diversity and unity of Latin America, acknowledging both its natural beauty and shared challenges while reflecting upon the qualities that comprise a good leader. Both speakers conveyed an empowering message to their cohort, emphasizing the importance of believing in their skills and impact, while also highlighting their collaboration and achievements thus far.
The culmination day included a showcase of the top five top projects within the cohort:
- Gerardo Bluske Moscoso, ByBug - Uses genetically improved insects to process organic waste and transform it into fertilizer, insect protein and recombinant proteins.
- Tainá Costa, Mental Health Index - A georeferenced online tool to inform public managers whether the environment of each neighborhood is favorable for promoting good mental health for elderly populations.
- Adrian Leal Tamez, Subasta Ganadera Nuevo León - A unique fair cattle trading platform where ranchers can trade their production without intermediaries, achieving better prices through an action process, and creating a sustainable livelihood for ranchers.
- Joyce Prestes, Ignite Tech - Empowers underprivileged youth to thrive in tech careers through personalized mentorship and essential skill development.
- Daniela Rojas, Theia Invest - Helps women achieve their maximum economic potential through personal financial and investing education.
The last day of the program coincided with the launch of LALP’s new flagship program, the Global Business Executive Leadership Program (GBEL), designed for business executives working on regional projects. Pato Bichara (GCL 2009, Mexico) was awarded the GCL Impact Award for his work as the founder and CEO of Collective Academy, spearheading a revolutionary approach to professional and corporate education in Mexico and Latin America. In his speech, Pato demonstrated how his project continues to embody the spirit of GCL, and he provided valuable advice to recent graduates on how they can make the most of their experience upon returning to their respective countries.
"I am happy to have graduated and returned home to continue contributing to the development of the entrepreneurial ecosystem in the country, and encouraging more young Dominicans to keep "inventing"." - Lidia Valdez
Congratulations to all our #GCL2024 alumni!
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GCL 2024 cohort at a visit to the OAS

Some participants of the GCL 2024 cohort gathered together

The cohort at Cornerstone Schools, for their volunteering day

The GCL 2024 cohort visiting the IDB
Some of the participants with President John DeGioia

GCL 2024 cohort during an online session with Professor Ricardo Ernst

The cohort with the judges who evaluated their project pitches

Pato Bichara and Professor Ricardo Ernst at the delivery of the GCL 2024 Impact Award