The Women from Latin America Leading Technology Education
In March 2019, the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) recognized four GCL alumni who are leading technology education in Latin America: Daniela Galindo Bermúdez (GCL 2016, Colombia), Mercedes Werner (GCL 2014, Argentina), Allison Silva (GCL 2009, Bolivia), and Gabriela Gaona (GCL 2019, Paraguay).
From Georgetown University's Latin America Leadership Program, we would like to endorse this much-deserved recognition as it attests to the important role played by our GCL alumni in the advancement of a more inclusive and innovative future for Latin America.
Daniela Galindo Bermúdez (GCL 2016, Colombia). Her company Hablando con Julis aims to achieve social inclusion and create new educational technologies and methodologies that allow people with and without disabilities to learn and communicate at their own pace in the same place and at the same time.
Mercedes Werner (GCL 2014, Argentina) is manager of Innovation and Technology of the Ministry of Education of the City of Buenos Aires. She co-founded “Programá tu futuro,” a series of workshops for youth interested in coding and technology training, and she has led many other initiatives in digital education.
Allison Silva (GCL 2009, Bolivia) is a systems engineer. She is co-founder of Eressea Solutions, a web developer company, and she is director of the foundation Emprender Futuro, which promotes skills development in three areas: technology, entrepreneurship, and education through its programs for entrepreneurs and women.
Gabriela Gaona (GCL 2019, Paraguay) is an IT engineer. She is co-founder and COO of Codium SA, a software developer company that works with startups, and the public and private sector. She also works as CEO of the non-profit Girls Code, which aims to introduce girls and teenagers to the world of technology through coding and robotics workshops in Paraguay.
You can read here the full article on Blog Abierto al Público by Michelle Marshall and Laura Paonessa from the Knowledge, Innovation and Communication Sector, IDB (in Spanish).