November 23, 2020
Sharing ILG Experiences in Paraguay
ILG 2019 alumni Deninson Mendoza, secretary of economic and development of the Cauca Valley in Colombia, and Agustin Pesce, second vice president of the National Bank of Argentina visited Paraguay. They were invited by ILG 2019 Edgar Colman, national director of entrepreneurship, the vice-minister of SMEs and the minister of industry and commerce of Paraguay to share their experience on financing and entrepreneurship assistance at the First National Summit of Entrepreneurs within the Second Forum of the National System of SMEs of Paraguay.
During their trip, they also met with the minister of planning for social and economic development of Paraguay, thanks to the connection of ILG 2019 Daniel Escauriza, director of PPPs.
They also took the time to reconnect with other ILG 2019 alumni and celebrate their ILG 2019 experience. In this sense, they met with Lorena Balbuena, legal director, and Adriana Ávila, socio-environmental management coordinator of the Ministry of Public Works and Communications, and with Luz Paola Sánchez, head of the department of Institutional strengthening of the Ministry of the Interior.
These connections and meetings keep the ILG Network active and renew the commitment of ILG participants to their countries and to the Latin American region.