Lideroamerica, Lessons on Leadership in Latin America
Global Competitiveness Leadership Program (GCL) alum Manuel Carranza presented the book Lideroamerica, Lessons on Leadership in Latin America, a project by GCL 2018 alumni Bryan Avendaño (Colombia), Gabriela Vallejo (Ecuador), Manuel Carranza (El Salvador), Alvaro Gonzalez (Venezuela).
Around this time of the year, a year ago, we were closing the twelfth edition of the Global Competitiveness Leadership Program (GCL). With this program, we graduated 34 young leaders from 19 Ibero-American countries who - in ten intense weeks of classes, talks, visits, and experiential learning - managed to develop and advance their social impact projects to implement in their countries. These young leaders are part of a growing network of now 500 graduates, who are positively transforming the region with their GCL projects.
Among the graduates of GCL 2018 were Manuel Carranza from El Salvador, Gabriela Vallejo from Ecuador, Bryann Avendaño-Uribe from Colombia, and Álvaro González from Venezuela. These four GCL alumni decided to take on one of the challenges that I gave them in one of my classes, and showcase and compile the stories of contemporary Latin American leaders in a book that would serve as a reference for the new generations of agents of change in the region.
The challenge I gave them was very simple: are there leadership references in Latin America? Interested in addressing this challenge, these GCL 2018 alumni took on this project to expand the multiplier effect of the GCL program and promote new leadership styles that can adapt to any rapid change in the region.
This first edition, and I say first because we know that there are many regional leaders that should be included in this book and that couldn’t be due to time constraints, presents, through personal interviews, 13 current Latin American leaders who have managed to generate substantial changes in their countries and in the region, who are highly recognized as positive leaders, and serve as a reference for all young Latin Americans.
This book aims to highlight the talent of the region, understanding its challenges and opportunities, so that new generations, such as those of Manuel, Gabriela, Bryan and Álvaro, find inspiration and continue to contribute to sustainable economic and social development, democratization processes, competitiveness and the integration of our countries in the global agenda. This book is a testimony to what I already knew: We definitely have exceptional leaders in our region.
Nelson Mandela said that "Sometimes it falls upon a generation to be great." I am convinced that we will be that generation!
I hope that this first book and any future volumes will serve as a reference for all of us who wish the best for Latin America.
Dr. Ricardo Ernst
Executive Director, Latin America Leadership Program
Professor, McDonough School of Business
Georgetown University
Washington, DC, March 29, 2019
Note: Lideroamerica is available in Kindle edition. Download your free copy here