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Waldemar Peralta (ILG 2017, Bolivia)

April 30, 2019

"Elefantes en Tarija" by Waldemar Peralta (ILG 2017, Bolivia)

Waldemar Peralta (ILG 2017, Bolivia) recently published his book "Elefantes en Tarija" in which he applies some of the tools learned during the Innovation & Leadership in Government Program (ILG) of Georgetown University's Latin America Leadership Program.

The Secretary of Coordination of the State of Tarija, Bolivia, Waldemar Peralta, analyzes public management and its political implications in his research book titled “Elefantes en Tarija”.  This book represents a retrospective of the last ten years of bonanza in the hydrocarbons sector, and explores its impact in the economy and politics of the state of Tarija. In his book, Waldermar Peralta presents concrete data to outline the sequence of events and provide analytical tools for public managers not to repeat past mistakes, while proposing a new sustainable public policy model for the state.

Cobertura de prensa (en español)

Los Elefantes en TarijaEl País, 12 de diciembre de 2018

Elefantes en Tarija, La Voz de Tarija, 9 de diciembre de 2018