Dani Tricarico, (GCL 2021) one of the 200 innovative faces (El Mercurio)
Dani Tricarico (GCL 2021) was named as one of the 200 innovative faces that are accelerating the transition to the future in Chile and Latin America by "El Mercurio", a prestigious newspaper from the same country. Throughout 200 editions, the innovation body of "El Mercurio" has sought to make visible the solutions that are being developed in Chile for the challenges imposed by the accelerated demographic, environmental, agrifood and energy transformations that the planet is experiencing.
Dani is the founder and CEO of IMPACTLATAM, a Latin American startup accelerator platform with triple impact that focuses on promoting startups and businesses with economic, social, and environmental impact. They also offer guidance for the transition of companies, investors and organizations on their way to triple impact. Within the publication, Dani was recognized in the innovative energy section, since his accelerator places great emphasis on supporting energy efficiency and clean energy. Impact Latam has a presence from Mexico to Argentina.
One of the most popular offerings in Chile of his project Impact Latam is Sendero de Impacto, a customized program designed with each organization to measure and manage economic, social, and environmental impact. The application criteria is to be a venture, SME, company, NGO or other organization with an interest in solving a social or environmental problem in Latin America. Through 12 sessions over 3 months, dedicated support is provided with the aim of incorporating purpose, narratives, theory of change, definitions and impact measurements, and much more into the initiatives.
IMPACTLATAM was recognized as one of the 5 most outstanding projects within GCL 2021 and to date continues its collaboration with the GCL network. Currently, Catalina Lavados (GCL 2022) from Chile works as a communications coordinator and the project continues to build links with other alumni such as Melina Masnatta (Argentina, 2017) and Eduardo Toro (Chile, 2017).
Argentinian, with more than 15 years of experience and training in the areas of both public and private Entrepreneurial Development and Innovation, Dani has a Master's Degree in Innovation from the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile. He was Co-founder and Executive Director of the Association of Entrepreneurs of Argentina (ASEA) and co-founder of the Association of Entrepreneurs of Latin America (ASELA). In 2019, he was selected as a young leader in entrepreneurship for the International Visitor's Leadership Program of the US State Department.
We are happy to share the achievements of our alumni that foster the multiplier effect of the GCL program in the region. Congratulations to Dani and all the GCL graduates who have joined this remarkable project!