ILG 2019 Graduation
On Friday, October 4, 2019, the sixth cohort of Georgetown University's Innovation & Leadership in Government program (ILG) celebrated their graduation. This cohort was represented by 23 public mangers from more than 10 Latin American countries, including Argentina, Colombia, Costa Rica, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Guatemala, Mexico, Peru, Paraguay, and Venezuela. The program is organized by the Latin America Leadership Program (LALP) in collaboration with the McDonough School of Business Office of Executive Education, and the generous support of Microsoft.

Mauricio Arguello, Colombia -National Federation of Personerias. Project: Facilitate a culture of transparency and good practice through educational programs/gamification to prevent corruption.
Jose Santiago Arroyo, Colombia - Regional Impact Projects Universidad del Valle del Cauca. Project: National Laboratory of Public Policies
Adriana Avila, Paraguay - Socio-environmental management, Ministry of Public Works and Communications. Project: Resilient and Intelligent Public Works "Bioceanico Highway"
Lorena Balbuena, Paraguay - Legal Director, Ministry of Public Works and Communications. Project: Modification of the evaluation process of Public Works Bidding.
Marlith Calderon, Peru - Supervisor of Studies, Office of the Comptroller General. Project: Governmental Control Panel to improve health public policies.
Francisca Cardenas, Guatemala - Executive Director, National Competitiveness Program. Project: National Competitiveness Public Policy in Guatemala.
Edgar Colman, Paraguay - National Director of Entrepreneurship. Project: Public Policy to create an entrepreneurship ecosystem in Paraguay.
Daniel Escauriza, Paraguay - Director of Public and Private Partnerships, Ministry of Planning for Economic and Social Development. Project: Open government platform to facilitate competitive dialogue for PPP projects.
Hector Rene Garcia, Mexico - Director of HR of the Municipality of Veracruz. Project: A Closer Government, public service in service of the citizens.
Daniela Gomez, Mexico - Council Member, San Pedro de Garza, Nuevo León. Project: Environmental Public Policy to reduce pollution and health risks for the citizens of the municipality.
Fiorella Guevara, Peru - Coordinator, Procurement Supervisory Unit. Project: Strengthen the public procurement process.
Hector Virgilio Jaramillo, Mexico - Council Member, Coacalco. Project: Update and create new internal regulations for the council of Coalcalco to create accountability and improve services.
Deninson Mendoza, Colombia - Secretary of Economic and Development, Valle del Cauca. Project: Valle Inn Emprende, to support entrepreneurs in Valle del Cauca.
Guido Mercado, Venezuela - Inter-institutional Relations, Merida. Project: Open Government in Merida.
Nadia Belen Montes, Argentina - General Director, SUMAR, Urban Environmental Agency in Rosario. Project: Comprehensive Policy on Waste Management in Rosario.
Sergio Paixao, Costa Rica (Colombia/Brazil) - Specialist in International Labor Regulations, International Labour Organization. Project: Help Latin American governments to apply fundamental human rights in their employment policies.
Sebastian Palacios, Ecuador - Congressman for Quito. Project: Dream Ecuador, promote sport education for economic and social development in Ecuador.
Carolina Peña, Colombia - Advisor, Secretary of Security and Justice, Bogota. Project: Better Police in service of the citizens.
Agustin Pesce, Argentina - Vicepresident 2, National Bank of Argentina. Project: Financial Inclusion for Social Inclusion.
Lucia Quijano, Colombia - Advisor, Secretary of Leisure and Sport, Bogota. Project: Community Culture Innovation.
Elizabeth Rodriguez Pavon, Dominican Republic - Deputy Director of Public Contracting. Project: Inclusion and Certification of Women for Public Procurement Process to improve productivity in the Dominican Republic.
Romina Sarmiento, Argentina - National Director of Human Rights, Minister of Justice and Human Rights. Project: Resilient Citizens and Governments to improve response to crises and emergencies.
Luz Paola Sanchez, Paraguay - Department Head of Institutional Strengthening. Project: Improve security and coexistence in Paraguay.