GBEL 2024 participants in the Hariri building of the McDonough School of Business

Celebrating GBEL 2024

The inaugural edition of LALP's latest flagship program for regional business leaders

By: Ana Gomez (B'25) and Cristina Ruiz (EML'21)

September 11, 2024

Georgetown University's Latin America Leadership Program (LALP) presented the inaugural edition of its new Global Business Executive Leadership (GBEL) program. This new academic offer, which kicked off in Panama last June and then continued virtually for eight weeks before a final in-person residency at Georgetown University in September, is the latest annual flagship program of LALP, specially designed for regional business leaders who seek to advance their organizations in the new global arena and strengthen their leadership skills to further support their teams.

The Global Business Executive Leadership (GBEL) program was designed by LALP to support the private sector in the region following the long-standing success of its Global Competitiveness Leadership (GCL) and Innovation and Leadership in Government (ILG) annual programs. With a strong regional business focus, GBEL's academic curriculum integrates key themes of global operations management, strategic leadership, adaptability and innovation, and business sustainability to empower business leaders to make informed decisions that drive organizational success in today's dynamic and interconnected world.​ 

GBEL's academic director, McDonough School of Business Professor Ricardo Ernst, and the LALP team conceived this new academic initiative to promote the multiplier effect of LALP's programs and foster regional and cross-sector collaboration. As such, a key component of the program is the development of an applied business project proposal. GBEL participants must identify a challenge or an opportunity they currently face within their companies and propose a comprehensive strategy to address it. Participants must be able to get their organization's approval to develop and potentially implement their business project proposal.

"We need leaders in all areas who know how to adapt and who can continue innovating, creating, and driving growth for our countries. This program covers a variety of topics, from production to supply chains and marketing, but always with an emphasis on personal development." - Diane Garza, GBEL Faculty

The first-ever GBEL cohort was comprised of a total of 21 business leaders from 12 countries across Latin America and the Caribbean, representing 10 different industries and some of the top firms doing business regionally, including Interenergy, Cemex, Grupo Pantaleon, Sigma Alimentos, Grupo Yunen, Ingenio Mayaguez, GT Global, Urbanica, Pacific Pulp and Paper, Empresas Polar, Apex America, Kilimo, and consulting and service companies like TheSaasCo, Alpha Studio, MFR Management & Consulting, Seriously Creative, and  LF5 Consulting International. Upon graduation, the 2024 GBEL cohort joins the LALP alumni network, which currently comprises over 900 leaders from the private, social, public, and multilateral sectors —collaborating across generations and programs to share knowledge and advance projects that positively impact the Americas.

The 2024 GBEL cohort posing with GBEL speakers, faculty and program team
The 2024 GBEL cohort posing with GBEL speakers, faculty and program team

The program launched with its first in-person module in Panama City on June 10th. 

"I told Ricardo that for the program’s objectives, starting in Panama was ideal—the focus on nearshoring was key and helped us understand how we can modify our environment to take advantage of it, something Panama is already doing." - Rolando Duran Castro, GBEL 2024, El Salvador

Over the course of the first three-day in-person residency in Panama, GBEL participants got to meet and better understand their classmates' contexts and projects through team-building exercises. Participants were welcomed by the Panama program team, including GBEL academic director Ricardo Ernst, GBEL faculty Diane Garza, LALP senior associate director Cristina Ruiz, and GBEL Panama Module local ambassador Paola Vergara. In addition to the academic lectures taught in Panama by MSB Professor Ricardo Ernst on Globalization-Competitiveness-Governability and Global Supply Chains; and by guest faculty Diane Garza on Strengths-Based Leadership, GBEL participants had a unique opportunity to connect and learn about the region with renowned speakers such as Sergio Diaz-Granados, President of CAF; Samuel Lewis, who served as First Vice President and Foreign Minister of Panama and is a member of Georgetown University's Latin American Board; Stanley Motta, CEO and President of Motta Internacional, S.A., and the Chairman of the Board at Copa Holdings; Aimee Sentmat, President of Banistmo; and Olga Cantillo, President of the Bolsa de Valores. GBEL participants also visited the Panama Canal, where they learned first-hand about its history and current operations from Miguel Lorenzo, VP of Infrastructure and Engineering, and explored Panama Pacifico with Henry Cardonski, Ciudad del Saber with David Aguilar (GCL2022), Jorge Arosemena and the team from Zinli, including a presentation by Maria Luisa Navarro and a hands-on experience at the Copa Airlines flight simulator. Panama business leaders Jaime and Pilar Aleman, who serve on the LALP Advisory Committee, welcomed participants at their home for a private reception to celebrate the launch of this new program, which aims to advance regional business competitiveness at a global level.  

"All of this HERE in Panamá! YES in our region are happening marvelous things for business, logistics, leadership and development! It was a pleasure to host the first GBEL cohort here. This journey just begun!"- Paola Vergara, Local Ambassador of the GBEL Panama Module 

Snapshot of the 2024 GBEL Program Kick-Off in Panama.

Snapshot of the 2024 GBEL Program Kick-Off in Panama

After their first in-person residency in Panama, participants met virtually once a week on Thursdays for 8 weeks, engaging in thematic lectures delivered by an expert pool of Georgetown faculty, including McDonough School of Business professors Ricardo Ernst, Jose Luis Guerrero, Debora V. Thompson, Mario Ramirez, Robin L. Dillon-Merrill, Kerrie Carfagno, and Ella Washington, and guest speakers Jorge Mestre, Diego Posada, Madelka McCalla, Alma Ramirez and Sara Hormigo. The academic topics followed a logical learning sequence and ranged from key business and leadership topics, including global supply chains and forecasting models, to business strategy and diversity and inclusion, among others. 

"The hybrid format was excellent. With my work commitments, it was the only way I could participate, making it the perfect fit for me. The biggest takeaway for me was gaining a deeper understanding of the region. I'm already connecting what I do daily with a more business-oriented perspective, which gives my work greater depth. I gained incredibly valuable knowledge for my career and met regional leaders with whom I’ll definitely stay connected". - Fernanda De Mora, GBEL 2024, Argentina

Additionally, during the virtual modules, GBEL participants took part in peer-to-peer coaching sessions where they supported each other by providing feedback on each other’s projects biweekly. This powerful method of collaboration enabled them to explore their projects' limitations, seek solutions, and solidify their plans to make them tangible, effectively addressing their proposed objectives. Furthermore, through the virtual expert panels and individual office hours with Professor Ernst, participants got to better understand the real applicability of the knowledge acquired in the academic sessions to reflect it in their business projects

"It was an amazing experience! Thanks, Georgetown University's Latin America Leadership Program (LALP) for allowing us to create a magnificent network of professionals and friends, for the first-class knowledge imparted, and for the quality of the people we have met." - Harold Hernandez, GBEL 2024, Panama

The GBEL cohort during Professor Dillon-Merrill's lecture
The GBEL cohort during Professor Dillon-Merrill's lecture

After completing their Panama and virtual modules, the business leaders arrived at Georgetown University’s campus on September 9th, where they received a campus tour and a brief orientation for the week. The three-day in-person residency featured a packed and engaging agenda, with lectures from renowned Georgetown professors such as Georgetown University professors Robert Bies, Ricardo Ernst, Michael Shifter, Antonio Ortiz-Mena, and Wendy Zajack.

“Absolutely grateful for a life changing experience. Thank you for creating and fostering such a unique space for learning, sharing and conspiring to make change happen for our businesses and Latin America as a region. If it's not us, who? And if it's not now, when?" - Angiemille Latorre, GBEL 2024, Puerto Rico

Professor Bies offered a dynamic and interactive session that explored “Creative Leadership”, focusing on the mindset and skill set needed for creativity and innovation business. Participants identified psychological and organizational barriers and leadership strategies and then applied the “Idea Generation Practicum” to generate new ideas applicable to their GBEL projects. Professor Ortiz-Mena’s module, “Trade and Investment in the Americas,” introduced participants to the concept of trade, its evolution, and the relevance current trade between the U.S. and Latin American countries has on corporations. In his lecture, “Leading the Road: Exponential Thinking and Global Value Creation”, Professor Ernst illustrated the difference between linear and exponential growth using the innovation curve and emphasized the role disruption and technology play in this growth. He also highlighted the importance of fostering a culture that not only keeps up with technological changes but anticipates them, while urging businesses to stay relevant by adopting forward-looking strategies and helping leaders prepare their teams for the fast pace of the digital era. During Professor Zajack’s lecture, 'The Power of Communication,' participants received valuable tips on preparing for their presentations and gained insights into cross-cultural communication. Professor Shifter highlighted the importance of the political landscape and its impact on the economy and businesses in Latin America. He shared his insights on the current state of the region and facilitated an interactive session, where participants asked questions about the region and the potential effects of the upcoming U.S. elections.

Georgetown's preferred D.C. location also offered participants immersive visits to the IDB Invest and Gallup, where they learned more about key institutions collaborating with the region and the latest trends affecting the region.

"GBEL is where business leaders from Latin America and the Caribbean unite to gain practical skills to transform the strategic vision and advance their companies in the global arena. Because if it’s not you, who? And if it's not now, when?" - Ricardo Ernst, GBEL Executive Director

During the program's graduation ceremony, Professor Ricardo Ernst, took the opportunity to emphasize the importance of the network they are now joining. Having colleagues across the entire region will enable them to collaborate and multiply their impact. As cohort representatives, Andres Escobar (El Salvador) and Andrea Ramos (Chile) addressed their cohort with reflective remarks based on the feedback shared by all of them through a collaborative exercise. Andrea shared a text written using the “exquisite corpse” technique, where different participants contributed phrases about their experience and takeaways from the program, without knowing what the others wrote. Andres shared what this experience meant to him and took advantage of the opportunity to thank the LALP Program team that supported them during their time in Washington.

"This program has been a transformative experience. The lectures were outstanding, the guest speakers were exceptional, and what we take with us is a network of friends and colleagues that are truly invaluable." - Andres Escobar, GBEL 2024, El Salvador

GBEL 2024 cohort posing in front of the McDonough School of Business' Hariri Building
GBEL 2024 cohort posing in front of the McDonough School of Business' Hariri Building

On their last day on campus, September 11th, the cohort presented the applied business projects they had been crafting throughout the program. These projects, all in different stages of execution and with varying objectives across industries, covered a wide range of topics—from implementing systems for product traceability to exploring new markets, improving customer services, and connecting agricultural producers with companies to save water. One great example of how this new program serves as a true catalyst for change is Eddy Sharrif's project. His GBEL project, which started as an idea for Grupo Yunen, exemplifies the applied learning and project scaling made possible through GBEL. What began as a proposal has now evolved into a Dominican Republic national initiative through a Public-Private Partnership (PPP), with regional support from a partner in Colombia through the connections forged during the program. The project aims to improve health equity in the Dominican Republic by developing a comprehensive primary care network, Red de Atención Primaria. The initiative seeks to strengthen both the subsidized (Régimen Subsidiado) and contributory (Régimen Contributivo) healthcare systems, providing broader access to essential health services for all citizens. Sharrif's quick project scalability underscores the power of collaboration and the tangible impact GBEL participants can make.

"What started as a could-be ended with a must-be! Congratulations to all the members of our inaugural GBEL 2024 cohort as they culminated their academic sessions, visits, and final pitches yesterday, and now become part of our extended LALP alumni network! We are looking forward to continuing to work with this incredible group of regional leaders that is passionate about elevating their businesses, teams, and communities and paving new paths for regional collaboration across sectors!" - Cristina Ruiz, LALP Senior Associate Director

At the Latin America Leadership Program we celebrate the launch and culmination of the first edition of the Global Business Executive Leadership (GBEL) program. GBEL participants are now equipped with the tools, knowledge, and regional business connections to drive impactful change within their organizations and the region. We can't wait to see what they will accomplish as they implement the projects they've developed throughout the program! We look forward to welcoming the next group of business leaders to GBEL to continue building on this legacy of collaboration and transformative leadership across Latin America and the Caribbean.